Youth @ Work

Erasmus+ KA1


Research and statistics estimate that unemployment is the greatest social injustice among citizens, especially when it concerns young people. Unfortunately, this social injustice is the scourge of the nations of the EU and is constantly evolving. The deepening of the problem of young people is the lack of employment in local area – especially when these are small towns and villages, making their often like “no chance – people”. Youth unemployment is experienced as harmful process that leads to anxiety, guilt, fatalism and defeatism, low self-esteem increases and the inability to creative use of free time.

The aim of the seminar is:

    • to seek new roles for NGOs in the context of the labor market and their relationship with the business and how to employ the private sector,
    • dissemination of data and the ability to analyze them,
    • to strengthen social dialogue and cooperation between citizens of the new UE members in the context of the overall objectives,
    • ensure young people with information on activities and opportunities for cooperation and participation in volunteer work and employment,
    • spreading good practice,
    • combining the results of the projects and participate in seminars with the obvious goal of increasing the pool of partners for future cooperation,
    • the development of the network and the end result reliable, international cooperation organizations in different planes.


Participants: 44 persons – 21 NGOs – from 17 countries
Venue: Sztutowo Mierzeja Wiślana (Poland)
Date: 16-24th August, 2014
Programme of the seminarium


Hungarian partner: Foundation of Knowledge

