Detailed aims and activities

The objectives of the Foundation

To patron young artists, researchers, art exhibitions and prints, book prints, sponsoring publishing, organizing and patron scientific and artistic conferences, deepening contacts of Central European nations, presenting and sponsoring Hungarian Culture, financing studies of talented students.

To improve position in the competing market by sharing the modern, up-to-date knowledge of agriculture and rural development of the college and university students, the lecturers, researchers and the farmers who are interested in rural development and agriculture.

To sustain cultural and natural values and helping their augmentation by supporting creation of new works of arts (such as statues, paintings, books, theatre performances, literature and music works), establishing statue parks, shrines, traditional memorials.

To preserve historical traditions and to support exploration and preservation of folk culture.

To teach healthy way of life and healthy attitude to life.

To fulfill its mission the Foundation:

  • can grant scholarships
  • can settle single or regular subsidy for institutes, organizations, groups or individuals
  • can sponsor programmes, publications
  • can enter a competition individually or as a partner if it is allowed in the competition
  • can develop curriculum
  • can help the fulfillment of the Foundation objectives other ways
  • give services (such as organizing courses, presentations, providing lecture notes for courses)
  • rely on organizations and institutions of local government
  • cooperating with national and local foundations and authorities or other institutions with similar objectives
  • the Foundation can do any financial business which is not risking the fulfillment of the Foundation objectives, the profit made will be spent on the accomplishment of the Foundation objectives

The activity of the Foundation

Accomplishing its objectives the Foundation takes part in the following activities.

1. Cultural purposes:

  • supporting creation of work of art
  • organizing creative camps of art
  • organizing and supporting of cultural programmes, conferences
  • organizing and supporting presentations of new works of art
  • preserving Christian and historical traditions
  • supporting of studying, preserving and acquiring of folk culture

2. Educating, researching aims:

  • supporting scientific activity and publication of university students and academics
  • helping the participation of scientific researches and development
  • organization of professional trainings for academics and stuff
  • enlarging the knowledge of foreign languages and information literacy
  • supporting financially and morally those students who are proving distinguished performance in student scientific work
  • supporting adult education
  • organizing and managing courses
  • participating in EU programmes

3. Social objectives:

  • teaching the healthy way attitude of life
  • presentation and promotion of contribution to knowledge
  • supporting the development of making alternative earnings in rural regions
  • health promotion, prevention, medicinal activity
  • supporting the participation in development and promotion of the most modern technologies
  • technical assistance for enterprises by giving legal advices and economic information
  • helping to enhance the possibility of finding employment for the newly graduated students
  • supporting micro-regional rural development and agro-environmental projects

4. Aims of development:

  • expanding the possibilities of acquiring the foreign scientific literature
  • acquiring the needed instruments and devices for educating and researching
  • advancing the development of educational technology and information technology
  • supporting development of student welfare
  • institution development

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