Research the Culture of Peace in Youth People’s View

European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Summary of the projects

Research about the Culture of Peace:

    • To understand young people views about the culture of violence (CoV) and the culture of peace (CoP) in countries where conflict and violence takes different forms
    • To listen young people views, opening a space of true communication, on the main actions they can take in their personal, social and political lives to contribute to the growing of the CoP
    • To introduce in young people’s life positive values such as peace, hope, cooperation, etc, at the same time that we encourage the reflection about these values
    • To raise in youth people the feeling they can change the future by supporting them in developing positive images of future
    • To do a cross-country-culture study that can give the bases to develop country specific approaches in future projects about these themes

The methodology of our research is very easy and consists in an interview (duration 10 minutes) to be done to all youth people interested in participate. After this step all youth participants will have the opportunity to participate in a 6 hours workshop about the Culture of Peace.This second part is necessary to the research development as it will permit to go a step further on the reflection and understanding of CoP.


Hungarian students

ICSVSH Gregus Máté Member Institution

    • Viktor Bajnóczi
    • Zsolt Csernai
    • Tamás Fekete
    • Dániel Jónás
    • Tamás Mucsi

ICSVSH Eötvös József Headquarters Institution

    • Enikő Rummel
    • György Belovai
    • Diána Kmetykó
    • Gabriella Kovács
    • Nelli Maczelka

ICSVSH Kalmár Zsigmond Member Institution

    • Márk Bánfi
    • János Bence
    • Viktor Boros
    • András Csengeri

THMH Cseresnyés Student Hostel

    • Tamás Kovács
    • Ferenc Makai
    • Ilona Kornélia Molnár
    • Ibolya Tomcsányi
    • Edit Paksi

Bethlen Gábor Calvinist Grammar School

    • Benedek Béres
    • Rita Farkas
    • Dániel Gardi
    • Dorina Oláh
    • Tímea Szabó
