Creating Active Learning Material for Science Educators of Vocational Education Leonardo da VinciHU-2010-Leo-PA-6031 Aims Partners Results Photos Links Facebook Results Website of the project The Education System of HungaryOfficial poster of the projectActive learning methods in HungaryActive learning in education of science in Hungary Meetings 1st meeting: 4-8th November, 2010 (Niğde, Turkey)2nd meeting: 31st March – 3rd April, 2011 (Limassol, Cyprus)3rd meeting: 24-27th August, 2011 (Trakai, Lithuania)4th meeting: 16-19th March, 2012 (Iasi, Romania)Final meeting: 1-4th June, 2012 (Granada, Spain) Articles Meryem Nur Aydede Yalçin: Examining a Study Based on Active Learning (English)Meryem Nur Aydede Yalçin: Az akív tanulás vizsgálata (Hungarian). In: Modern (2012. szeptember 5.)and Modern Iskola. 2012. No. 6. 6. p. (abbreviated) E-book Meryem Nur Aydede Yalçin (ed.): Effective Use of Active Learning Application. Examples from Seven Countries