Creating Active Learning Material for Science Educators of Vocational Education

Leonardo da Vinci

Summary of the project

The goal of science education is to raise individuals who can discover, investigate and solve problems. According to the recent studies, it can be concluded that achievement of these goals are dramatically related with learning in general and especially with vocational and professional learning methods. Right selection of the learning methods, suggested by education providers, in science education is very crucial and every country has to give necessary importance to science educators for their professional vocational education. For this reason, project aims to develop active learning based science education material for professional vocational development of science educators and test it.

Achieving this aim, there will be 3 project meeting visits, e-blog, created to share the learning activity experiences of target group, i.e. science educators, undergraduate learners in science education (i.e. senior students who seek for professional development), academicians, vocational training developers, professional learning organizers. In project, participants will share their experience with other partners using various technologies and environments. Detailed information about all the project activities will be provided and regulary updated on the project’s portal, also topical discussion forums and social networks will allow. Project participants and external users actively participate in the project process. Evaluation of the project will be carried out using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Dissemination will be handled using suggested strategy and plan, active updated forms, various networks. As a result of the project, an e-book will be written about the creating active learning material for science educators of vocational education.

Duration of the project: 24 months (1st August, 2010 – 31st July, 2012)