With all of its unexpected power, the rise of artificial intelligence has changed the environment in which we live, where youngsters who do not possess the necessary AI skills will be at risk of exclusion. There is a long path ahead, as few youngsters in Europe have advance digital skills. The project objectives are:
To acquire an in-depth knowledge in AI.
To provide youth with a Tool Kit in AI.
To boost AI capacities in youth communities.
Participatory Training in Portugal: AENIE will transfer AI tools for the daily professional and personal life. PC will transfer AI tools for awareness campaigns.
Participatory Training in Hungary: FoK will transfer AI tools for youth work. PC will transfer ethical principles in the use of AI.
Creation of the AIncrease Tool Kit that will be explained in an interactive book.
Course in Spain: The Tool Kit will be transferred and tested to youngsters and youth workers.
Dissemination campaign
In this project, youngsters will acquire artificial intelligence skills which will be used under responsible and ethical practices, ensuring values of integrity and fairness in their personal and professional lives. Youth workers will improve the quality of their work since they will incorporate AI-driven innovations into their teaching methods, which will enhance the learning process of the young people they work with.
Duration of the project: 23 hónap (1st February, 2024 – 31st December, 2025)