Transnational Network projects aim to assamble tools and build on European expertise and innovative approaches, improve the analysis and anticipation of skills requirements, and disseminate the outputs and results of project throughout Europe. The newtork will create a permanent association of communities, entites and experts in the development of personal skills and personal coaching using the ICT.
This network will promote and coordinate physical and virtual mobility of European experts in coaching, and will disseminate coaching tools for trainers and guidance professionals working with disadvantaged groups and works in risk of social exclusion.
During this visit the participants will prepare the project programme and distrubute role to each partner. Each partner will present his experience in his/her country, tools used and good practice
Venue: Zaragoza (Spain) Datet: 16-19th September, 2009 Planned title: Learning to Learn: Exploring the Potentials of ICT and Coaching
Facultad de Servicios Sociales y del Trabajo, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
FASE.NET – Formación y Asesores en Selección y Empleo, Zaragoza (Spain)
FEUZ – Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Online Learning, Volos (Greece)
Work Research Institute, Oslo (Norway)
European Pole of Knowledge, Verona (Italy)
Foundation of Knowledge, Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary)
Vilnius Pedagogical University Institute of Professional Competence, Vilnius (Lithuania)
EU-RO Coaching s.r.l., Bucharest (Romania)
Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training, Vienna (Austria)