Study of Library System of Norway and Iceland
EEA Grants

Aim of the project
1. Gaining experiences:
Study of the Norwegian and Icelandic library systems, library and information technology services, national and international cooperations, the development and needs of human resources management, infrastructure, etc.
2. Examination of the library users’ education:
Nowadays, libraries have a large scale of information technology tools in order to help their readers getting appropriate information as soon as possible, wherever it may be found. The use of information technology tools has made the access of information very effective and quick. This, however, has made library work and users’ access to information more difficult and much more complicated. Besides, knowing the open shelves and catalogues, one has to be able to use computers, OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogue), database manager softwares and the Internet. It is necessary to know how electronic journals or the most important information providers can be reached, etc.
At a registration to a library, it is impossible to impart as much information as described above. However, there is a good solution for it: organizing trainings in libraries. Thus, having gathered the appropriate experiences, our second aim is to compile an educational material for library users’ that can be made publicly accessible, and organize trainings for the library users in the libraries of the consortium.
Duration of the project: 11 months (1st April, 2008 – 28th February, 2009)