Preparetory Visit (Hvanneyri, Iceland)
EEA Grants

Aim of the visit
Foundation of Knowledge intends to tender for the proposal of the „Teacher and staff mobility projects in other educational institutions/education related institutions” of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Scholarship Programme in the beginning of 2015. The objective of the tender: organizing a study visit in order to get acquainted with the agriculture and the agricultural vocational education of Iceland, especially the on-the-job-training. Priorities of the planned mobility project:
- getting acquainted with the general situation of the agriculture of Iceland;
- getting acquainted with the vocational education in the secondary schools and in the higher education;
- getting to know the position of the on-the-job training in the education;
- visiting the Agricultural University of Iceland and other agricultural vocational school(s);
- visiting practice areas (training factories, production factories, farms);
- negotiations with the hosts, making new cooperations, preparation of new projects (Erasmus+).
We emphasize the studying of the following special fields:
- cattle-, sheep- and goat husbandry;
- horse breeding, horse racing;
- outdoor animal husbandry;
- forage farming;
- rotational grazing;
- environmental protection;
- using geothermal energy in the agriculture;
- wool processing;
- rural tourism;
- using ECVET in the vocational education.
The aim of the preparatory visit:
- framing the professional program of the 10 days study visit, taking into consideration the above mentioned;
- negotiations about the programme of the teachers from Iceland in Hungary;
- meeting with the key people of the planned project;
- visiting the university, vocational schools, practice areas that are participating in the programme;
- agreement of the technical details of the planned project (tasks, deadlines, responsible people).
Location: Hvanneyri (Izland)
Date: 12-16th August, 2014
- Foundation of Knowledge, Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary)
- Agricultural University of Iceland, Hvanneyri (Izland)
- Foundation of Knowledge: János Palotás, Dr. Imre Mucsi
- Agricultural University of Iceland: Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir, Þorbjörg Valdís Kristjánsdóttir, Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir
12th August, 2014
- Arrival
13th August, 2014
- Hosts: Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir lecturer, Þorbjörg V. Kristjánsdóttir international coordinator, Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir financial officer
- Visit to Bjarteyjarsandur agricultural turism and sheep farm
- Itroduction of rural tourism activities at the farm
- Introduction of sheep farming at the farm
- Meeting: a) introduction of activities of AUI and Foundation of Knowledge; b) intoducing the AUI infrastructure; c) introduction of Hungarian and Icelandic agriculture, rural development and agricultural vocational education; d) presentation of the objectives of the planned study tour; e) presentation of the participants of the study trip; f) compilation of the study visit programme
- Meeting with Björn Þorsteinsson rector
- Visit to the farms in Borgarfjörður where the students take part of their training: Hestur (sheepfarm), Miðfossar (horses), Grímshagi (cows), goat farm at Háafel, wool and handcraft (Ullarselið)
14th August, 2014
- Drive to Hveragerði
- Visit to horse show / horse farms: a) Eldhestar, b) Fákasel
- Meeting at the Agricultural Universtity of Reykir, meetings with teachers
- Discussion about environmental protection and using geothermal energy in agriculture
- Discussion about the using of ECVET in vocational education
- Discussion about animal welfare and rural turism, their role in Icelandic agriculture
- Intoducing the AUI in Reykir infrastructure
15th August, 2014
- Visit to tourist destinations in South Iceland: Dyrhólaey és Reynisfjara
- Visit to Giljur sheep farm
- Visit to Suður-Foss cow and icecream farm
- Visit to Katla Geopark
- Visit to Víkurprjón wool factory
16th August, 2014
- Departure