II. Visegrad Festival of the Youth Arts

Visegrad Fund

Aim of the project

The main purpose of the project is to organise festivals of the young people’s artworks in the four partner countries. The project focused on the following objectives:

    • to promote creativity among young people of the neighbouring Visegrad countries
    • to develop active citizenship involving young people into community work
    • to promote all kinds of arts, including traditional crafts, dancing and music; to share culture and learn about the culture of the neighbouring countries

The main objective of the project is the arts promotion and including greater number of youngsters into the cultural cooperation. The project will enable those young people who have already participated in the cultural activities of different kinds to present their abilities and talents to a wide range of spectators and for those who have never tried themselves. The project gives a chance to learn about the arts activities available and through numerous workshops to participate actively in them.

Date of the festival: 8-11th October, 2009

Location of the festival: Nysa, Poland


Hungarian partners

Programme of the Festival

17 members of the Szarkaláb Folk-dance Group took part on the Youth Festival in Nysa between 8-11th October, 2009