Preparatory Visit (Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary)



Preparation of a “Grundtvig / Learning Partnerships” project

The aim of the visit is to initiate the cooperation and partnership between folk artists from three countries: Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. Our countries have the rich tradition of craft arts and respect for the cultural heritage. Unfortunately, some of the techniques are now becoming rarer and rarer and some occupations even disappearing.
The partnership project, as a result of the preparatory visit, would enable artists from above mentioned countries exchanging their techniques, patterns and experience. They would have the chance of showing their works and methods to the others while visiting those countries. This way they could not only popularize their works and regional folk art to the others but also get some new ideas and enrich their creativity.


1. Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Chełmcu z siedzibą w Klęczanach, Klęczany (Poland)

2. Foundation of Knowledge, Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary)


Venue: Hódmezővásárhely (Hungary)
Date: 25-27th September, 2009