Curriculum and Training for European Sheep Farmers (SHEEPSKILLS)

Leonardo da Vinci


1st meeting


    • Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Dr. Kemal Çelik (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ergün Demir (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ahmet Uzatici (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Palotás János (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Dr. Mucsi Imre (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Jolande Leinenbach (ed-consult)
    • Merete Pedersen (ed-consult)
    • Berit Kiilerich (Lystbaekgaard)
    • Annette Holmenlund (Sheep and Goat Consult)
    • Beate Haussmann (Leading Interactive)
    • Michael Sauer (Leading Interactive)
    • María Kristín Gylfadóttir (Leonardo National Agency, Iceland)


6th November, 2009

    • Arrivals
    • 18:00 Dinner followed by team-building activities

7th November, 2009

    • 09.00 Welcome address by the Icelandic team and the Danish hosts
    • 09:15 Presentation of project partners and their role in the project. Signing of the Consortium Agreement
    • 10.00 Presentation of SHEEPSKILLS (background, history, mission)
    • 11.00 Financial regulations and valorization: how to get the most out of the project?
    • 12.00 Lunch
    • 13.30 The SHEEPSKILLS workplan
    • 15.00 The first months of the project: Review of the technical objectives, deliverables and timescales
    • 16.00 Sheepskills logo and communication network
    • 18.00 Dinner. Teambuilding activities

8th November, 2009

    • 09.00 Sheep farmers, shepherds and other people working with sheeps in each country; social status, working status, internet connections and educational level. Age, income, existing learning material
    • 10.00 Learning materials: materials available
    • 11.00 Workshop (group work): SHEEPSKILLS products
    • 12.00 Lunch
    • 13.00 Monitoring and evaluation of the project
    • 14.00 Summary of the meeting and deadlines
    • 14.30 Visit to SHEPHERDS and Cultural Event
    • 18:00 Dinner

9th November, 2009

    • Departures

2nd meeting


    • Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Dr. Kemal Çelik (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ergün Demir (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ahmet Uzatici (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Palotás János (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Dr. Mucsi Imre (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Jolande Leinenbach (ed-consult)
    • Berit Kiilerich (Lystbaekgaard)
    • Annette Holmenlund (Sheep and Goat Consult)
    • Beate Haussmann (Leading Interactive)
    • Michael Sauer (Leading Interactive)


11th March, 2010

    • Arrivals

12th March, 2010

    • 09.00 Welcome address by the Hungarian hosts
    • 09:05 The first months of the project: review of the technical objectives, deliverables and timescales
    • 10.00 Presentations of the project partners: need analysis, target groups, next steps
    • 11.00 Financial aspect: status and practical things, how to get the most out of the project?
    • 12.00 Lunch
    • 13.30 The SHEEPSKILLS workplan
    • 15.30 SHEEPSKILLS logo and communication network
    • 16.00 Learning materials, materials available
    • 17.00 Workshop: SHEEPSKILLS products
    • 18.00 Summary of the meeting and deadlines
    • 19.00 Dinner

13th March, 2010

    • 09.00 Travel to Makó-Bogárzó
    • 09.45 Visit to the sheep farm of János Dani in Makó-Bogárzó
    • 12.00 Lunch
    • 13.30 Travel to Maroslele
    • 14.00 Visit to the sheep farm of Gyula Mihalkó in Maroslele
    • 16.00 Cultural programme in Szeged
    • 19.00 Dinner

14th March, 2010

    • Departures

3rd meeting


    • Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Dr. Kemal Çelik (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ergün Demir (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Palotás János (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Dr. Mucsi Imre (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Jolande Leinenbach (ed-consult)
    • Annette Holmenlund (Sheep and Goat Consult)
    • Beate Haussmann (Leading Interactive)
    • Michael Sauer (Leading Interactive)


19th August, 2010

    • Arrivals

20th August, 2010

    • 09.00 Opening and welcome, practical information
    • 09:15 The determination of the SHEEPSKILLS workplan
    • 10.30 Break
    • 11.00 Financial matters
    • 11.30 Questions and answers
    • 12.00 Lunch
    • 13.00 Visit to the University, meeting with the vice-rector (Prof. Dr. C. Varol Tok)
    • 14.00 The SHEEPSKILLS work plan and interim report
    • 15.00 Review of the objectives, deliverables and time scales
    • 15.30 Break
    • 16.00 SHEEPSKILLS technical and communication network, using of SHEEPSKILLS platform
    • 19.30 Dinner

21st August, 2010

    • 09.00 Visit to a traditional sheep farm in Tevfikiye
    • 14.00 Visit to a traditional sheep farm in Beypınarı
    • 16.00 Lunch
    • 17.00 Free time
    • 19.00 Dinner

22nd August, 2010

    • Departures

4th meeting


    • Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Dr. Kemal Çelik (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ahmet Uzatici (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ergün Demir (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Palotás János (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Dr. Mucsi Imre (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Jolande Leinenbach (ed-consult)
    • Merete Pedersen (ed-consult)
    • Berit Kiilerich (Lystbaekgaard)
    • Annette Holmenlund (Sheep and Goat Consult)
    • Beate Haussmann (Leading Interactive)
    • Michael Sauer (Leading Interactive)

Final meeting


    • Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Theodóra Ragnarsdóttir (Agricultural University of Iceland)
    • Dr. Kemal Çelik (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ahmet Uzatici (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Dr. Ergün Demir (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    • Palotás János (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Dr. Mucsi Imre (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Simon Ferenc (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Palotásné Pánti Róza (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Dr. Mária Mucsi (Foundation of Knowledge)
    • Jolande Leinenbach (ed-consult)
    • Merete Pedersen (ed-consult)
    • Berit Kiilerich (Lystbaekgaard)
    • Annette Holmenlund (Sheep and Goat Consult)
    • Beate Haussmann (Leading Interactive)
    • Michael Sauer (Leading Interactive)

Further trainings

Agricentre (Hódmezővásárhely, 3rd December, 2010)

    • Dr. Imre Mucsi: Duties before lambing in the sheep farms
    • Tibor Tonkó: Current knowledges of the agricultural law
    • Dr. László Fodor: What you need to know about the animal health checks
    • Sándor Ferge: Current information about the Sheep and Goat Association

Bethlen Gábor Vocational School (Gyomaendrőd, 10th December, 2010)

    • Mihály Csobán: Tasks around lambing
    • Gábor Perei: Nutrition during pregnancy

Agricultural Vocational School (Kétegyháza, 15th February, 2011)

    • Mihály Csobán: Tasks around lambing
    • Gábor Perei: Nutrition during pregnancy

Agricultural Vocational School (Jánoshalma, 18th February, 2011)

    • Mihály Csobán: Tasks around lambing
    • Gábor Perei: Nutrition during pregnancy
    • Szabolcs Kiss: Agricultural supports

Shepherd Ltd. of South Plain (Cserebökény, 26th May, 2011)

    • Dr. Imre Mucsi: The assessment of the situation of Hungarian sheep sector ; Animal protection, animal welfare
    • Professional excursion to sheep farm of György Lázár (Cserebökény)

Agricentre (Hódmezővásárhely, 2nd December, 2011)

    • Dr. Imre Mucsi: Sheep production of Iceland and Denmark
    • Dr. Pál Bárkányi – Dr. Attila Berta: Questions of animal health
    • Tibor Tonkó – Sándor Ferge: Supporst of sheep production in 2012




    • Dr. Imre Mucsi: Current questions of the reproduction
      (Hódmezővásárhely, Agicultural Association Sheep Breeding Unit, 17th November, 2009)
    • Dr. Imre Mucsi: Animal health questions of the expulsion
      (Hódmezővásárhely, Agicultural Association Sheep Breeding Unit, 18th March, 2010)

Kinds of sheep

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(Moisburg, 2011. január 30.)