ECOffee Consumers: Creating Conscious Coffee Consumers with Sustainable Habits for Enhancing the Sustainable Coffee Industry Erasmus+ KA22022-1-HU01-KA220-ADU-000085720 Aims Partners Cluster Results Photos Links Facebook Instagram Linkedin Youtube Links European Comission WEB Tudás Alapítvány WEB Strategic Omnia Research and Technology Development Ltd. WEB LinkedIn (18th January, 2023)Facebook (18th January, 2023)Facebook (19th January, 2023) European Institute for Local Development WEB Facebook (31st January, 2023) Tropical Astral Lda. WEB WEB WEB Facebook (26th January, 2023)Facebook (Veronica Maria Gelfgren)ECOffee consumers – Kick-off meeting (30th January, 2023)Saor-Ide Dolan: ECOffee – Sustainability in every síp! In: Tomorrow : A Community Magazin for the Algarve. September 2024. No. 154. p. 26. Universiteit Maastricht WEB Maastricht University joins The Erasmus+ ECOffee Project On Sustainable Coffee Consumption (9th February, 2023)Double espresso with systems thinking (7th March, 2024)Dubbele espresso met systeemdenken (7th March, 2024) Razvojna agencija Sotla WEB ECOffee Consumers (Hódmezővásárhely, 17th January, 2023)ECOffee consumers (Erasmus +)Sporočilo za javnost: nov projekt za kavoljubceRazvojna agencija Sotla s projektom za kavoljubce. Kavna usedlina je odpadek, ki obremenjuje okolje The E-Guide in Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, French and Latvian E-opas kestävästä kahvinkulutuksesta E-guide om hållbar kaffekonsumtion Guía electrónica sobre el consumo sostenible de café Guide électronique sur la consommation durable de café E-ceļvedis par ilgtspējīgu kafijas patēriņu EPALE János Palotás: ECOffee Consumers / ECOffee Fogyasztók – Erasmus+ projekt (Hungarian)János Palotás: ECOffee Consumers: Creating Conscious Coffee Consumers with Sustainable Habits for Enhancing the Sustainable Coffee Industry (Greek)János Palotás: ECOffee Consumers: Creating Conscious Coffee Consumers with Sustainable Habits for Enhancing the Sustainable Coffee Industry (English)János Palotás: ECOffee Consumers: Creating Conscious Coffee Consumers with Sustainable Habits for Enhancing the Sustainable Coffee Industry (Portuguese)János Palotás: ECOffee Consumers: Creating Conscious Coffee Consumers with Sustainable Habits for Enhancing the Sustainable Coffee Industry (Dutch)János Palotás: ECOffee Consumers: Creating Conscious Coffee Consumers with Sustainable Habits for Enhancing the Sustainable Coffee Industry (Slovenian)Sofia Mexia: ECOffee Project: Sustainable Coffee in Portugal – A Transnational ExperienceAnita Čebular: A Remarkable Achievement for Sustainable Coffee Consumption Across Europe ECOffee application Scan the QR code to download the ECOFFEE app on your Android devices. 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Food Waste and Rescue Surplus Food Supplies (ReS-Food)2023. április 27.2023. április 27.