Curriculum and Training for European Sheep Farmers (SHEEPSKILLS) Leonardo da Vinci2009-1-IS1-LEO05-00261 Aims Partners Results Photos Links Facebook Links Information about the projectLeonardo Nemzeti Iroda, Izland: Announcements of resultsEducation and Training Service Centre, IzlandBændablaðið, IzlandBaejarins Besta, IzlandVísir, IzlandDagur, IzlandBorgarbyggð, IzlandSamstarf um starfsmenntun; Sheepskills, MW sonnet, Green E og Fræðsla beint frá býli, IzlandBoð á nóvembernámskeið, IzlandDagur sauðfjárræktarinnar, IzlandIcelanders Celebrate Sheep Farming Day, IzlandÇanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, TörökországSheepskills-kártya, DániaSheepskills Week at Lystbaekgaard, 2011, DániaProjects and Products Portal for Leonardo da VinciElearningeuropa.infoPrevious project of the consortiumWebsite of the Ostrich-projectE-learning platform of the Ostrich-projectAcknowledgementThe best “Transfer of Innovation project” (Iceland, 2012)